Monday, 30 July 2012

Fish Ball Noodles @ BAGUS

Aizuddin here again. Today I'm going the fish ball noodles at the Bagus out located in Greenridge shopping centre. It was previously known as Banquet but went through some renovations recently and changed their name. One of the reasons I chose this food court was that it was only a stone's throw away from my home. It was around half an hour before time for me to break my fast when I reached there . As I looked around the place, there were not many patrons there at first but people starting pouring in not long after. Without wasting any time, I quickly queued to get my meal.

As you can see in the picture, I was given a rather large portion of noddles as well as the soup. Maybe the person at the stall could see how hungry I was at that time. Anyway, I tried the soup and it was really good. The soup was did not taste plain and you could really tell some work was put into making the soup. The noodles were just nice - not soggy at all but was not too hard either. In all, it was a good meal. I give it a 3/5.


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